Command Director Log Gathering Tool

Log Gathering Tool


The above Command Director Log gathering tool is a command (hcmdras) you can use to gather log files of all HCmD components to investigate issues and troubleshoot them. When you execute the command, the tool collects all log files and stores the output in respective directories in the zip file. To collect the log files, simply execute the command and specify a valid output directory.


The Log gathering tool command has the following features:

  • Collects logs for all installed HCmD components and OS types they are installed on.
  • Collects log files that are not gathered by the getconfig command.
  • The output directory is divided into 1 GB files to keep the filesize manageable. If the size of the archived files sent to the support team exceeds 1 GB, they are split into 1 GB files. The output files are collected in the following files:

Supported Platforms

The hcmdras command is currently supported only on the following Windows platforms:

  • Windows Server 2003 x86
  • Windows Server 2003 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x86
  • Windows Server 2008 x64

Prerequisites for using the tool

The following prerequisites must be met before executing the command

  • You should have administrative privileges
  • You should have jre1.6, update 29 or later installed on your system
  • You should have correctly registered the registry keys of the installed HCmD components
  • JRE_PATH should be set in the batch file if the PATH environment variable to the java executable is not allowed to be set on the local machine
  • All Command Director related services must be stopped

Important to note

Please take note of the following before running the command:

  1. When an HCmD component is not installed, the log gathering tool will not collect the corresponding logs.
  2. When the size of the logs collected exceeds 2GB, the zip or divided files may not be created and the command execution may take a few hours to complete. In such cases, zip the logs manually and send them to customer support.

Executing the hcmdras command

To execute the logtool command, key in hcmdras in the Command prompt. Please make sure to specify a valid and empty directory for collecting the output. Upon executing the command, log files of all installed HCmD components are collected and stored in the respective zip files. The following are the list of output files generated:

Common system information stored in 01_sysinfo:

  • hostname
  • ipconfig /all
  • HITACHI (in case x86 environment)
  • HITACHI (in case x64 environment)
  • .com.zerog.registry.xml

HCmD server logs stored in:

  • HCmDServ directory in
    • files in logs directory
    • files in conf directory
    • files in tomcat/logs directory
    • files in tomcat/conf directory
    • files in Data Collector/logs directory
    • files in Data Collector/conf directory
    • files in Data Collector/tomcat/logs directory
    • files in Data Collector/tomcat/conf directory
    • installation log files
    • directory information for installed directory
  • HCmDServDB directory in
    • files in data/db directory
  • HCmDServCollector directory in
    • files in data/collector directory
  • HCmDServBackUp directory in
    • files in backup directory

HTnM Data Collector logs stored in:

  • HCMDHTnMDC directory in
    • directory information for installed directory
    • files in logs directory
    • files in conf directory
    • files in pdc-data-root directory
    • installation log files

License Server logs stored in:

  • HCmDLicServ in
    • directory information for installed directory
    • files in logs directory
    • files in conf directory
    • installation log files

Host Collector:

  • HCmDHDC in
    • directory information for installed directory
    • files in logs directory
    • files in conf directory
    • files in data directory
    • files in tomcat/logs directory
    • files in tomcat/conf directory
    • files in HNAS Data Collector/logs directory
    • files in HNAS Data Collector/conf directory
    • files in HNAS Data Collector/hnas-data-root directory
    • installation log files

Error list

The following is the list of messages generated in the user environment.

Message ID




Log collection started.



Log collection finished.



HCmD server is installed. Start collecting logs.



HTnM Data Collector is installed. Start collecting logs.



License Server is installed. Start collecting logs.



Host Collector is installed. Start collecting logs.



Output directory not specified. Please specify a valid output directory.

Please specify output directory.


Please specify an empty output directory.

Please specify empty directory for output directory.


Please set PATH environment variable to the java executable.

Please set environment variable so that java.exe can be executed without specifying path.


Command Library not found. Please download library from the batch file.

Library for the command is not available. Library has to be in lib directory with the batch file.


Invalid output directory. Please specify a valid path.

Specified output directory is invalid. Please specify valid path for it.


You do not have administrative privileges.



Invalid command parameters. Do not execute this command manually. Please report to the support team.

Internal command is executed with invalid parameters. Please don't manually execute the command. If this error occurs when executing hcmdras command, please send the command to support team.


Invalid command parameters. Do not execute the command manually. Please report to the support team.

Internal command is executed with invalid parameters. Please don't manually execute the command. If this error occurs when executing hcmdras command, please send the command to support team.


Invalid command parameters. Do not execute the command manually . Please report to the support team.

Internal command is executed with invalid parameters. Please don't manually execute the command. If this error occurs when executing hcmdras command, please send the command to support team.


Invalid command parameters. Do not execute the command manually. Please report to the support team.

Internal command is executed with invalid parameters. Please don't manually execute the command. If this error occurs when executing hcmdras command, please send the command to support team.


Error in archiving file. Please send files in destination directory to support team.

Please send files in destination directory to support team.


Error in creating divided files. Please send zipped files to support team.

Please send zipped files to support team.


Error in collecting log files. Please send files in destination directory to support team.

Please send files in the destination directory,


HCmD component is not installed or setup or broken.

Any HCmD component is not found in the host.


Cannot access specified destination directory. Please provide a valid destination directory.

Write permission is not provided to the output directory.

CXone Metadata

Tags: Command Director,article:qanda,HCmD,pagetype:knowledgearticle,log,Gathering Tool

Page ID: 11892