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Top 3 HCS Issues

Updated  by hvuser
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Top 3 HCS issues

  1. Tuning Manager not polling / no data
  2. Cannot refresh storage with Device Manager
  3. Failed HCS upgrade

Tuning Manager not polling / no data

  1. What is the version of Tuning Manager / HCS?
  2. What is the OS?
  3. New install or existing?
  4. Has polling ever worked? If so when did it stop?
  5. What is the name of the agent(s) in question?
  6. Please provide the output of the following command: jpcctrl list
  7. Please provide the output of the following command: jpcnsconfig ipv6 display

Data Collection: here

Once collected please upload to our Technical Upload Facility:

Cannot refresh storage with Device Manager

  1. What is the version of Tuning Manager / HCS?
  2. What is the OS?
  3. What error message are you receiving? (screenshot)
  4. Can the storage be refreshed from Storage Navigator?
    • If YES then collect the following data
    • If NO then only collect SNM2 logs if storage is AMS platform

Data Collection: here

Once collected please upload to our Technical Upload Facility:

If the storage is Enterprise then collect the Storage Navigator trace logs via the procedure outlined below: 

  1. Start a web browser and specify the following URL to open the Tool Panel: http://[IP-address-or-host-name-of-SVP]/cgi-bin/utility/toolpanel.cgi
  2. On the Tool Panel of the Storage Navigator computer, click Download Trace Files to open the "Download Trace Files" dialog box. The "Login" dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the user ID and password and click Login. You can use any login that has Storage Navigator root/administrator privileges (recommended) or you can use the default root/root.
    If the SVP is set to support SSL-encrypted communication, security messages might appear.
  4. Click Normal Trace.
  5. Click Next >>. A message appears confirming the execution of compression of the trace files.
  6. Click OK. A file compression processing starts. When the file is compressed, the "Download Trace Files" dialog box opens for starting download.
  7. Click Download. The "File Download" dialog box opens.
  8. On the "File Download" dialog box, click Save this file to disk, and then click OK. The "Save As" dialog box opens.
  9. Specify the download destination, and then click Save. When the file is downloaded successfully, the "Download Complete" dialog box opens. 
    The file should be named TraceDUMP.tgz.

Once collected please upload to our Technical Upload Facility:

Failed HCS install / upgrade

  1. Is this a new install or upgrade?
  2. What is the HCS / OS version?
  3. How is the install / upgrade being performed? (Across the LAN / USB stick / extracted ISO / ISO burned to DVD / etc.)
    *** If the install / upgrade was being performed by anything other than the ORIGINAL DVD or ISO downloaded and mounted directly to the HCS server you must reattempt the install / upgrade using the above two options only.

Data Collection: here

Once collected please upload to our Technical Upload Facility:

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