VSSB Support Questions


To expedite the troubleshooting process for the most common issues by asking the following questions for VSSB


  • Hitachi Virtual Storage Software Block (VSSB)

Top Troubleshooting Questions

  1. What is the VSSB model and version?
  2. What is the Client OS and version?
  3. Are the the products version supported as per VSSB compatibility matrix: https://compatibility.hitachivantara.com/products/hvssb ?
  4. Is there an abnormal status displayed on the VSSB GUI, on the VMWare server or on the VMWare ESXi (for Virtual Machine)?
  5. Is there an abnormal status displayed on the VSSB GUI (for bare metal)?
  6. Is this issue related to a performance degradation?
  7. When did the issue first occur? Do you have any timestamp of the issue (Please provide any error messages or screenshot)?


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