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Enterprise Data Collection

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This article provides detailed procedures for collecting data dumps (Detailed, Normal, System, etc.) from various Hitachi VSP storage systems.


Enterprise Data Collection

Customer Information:

Use the procedures most relevant to your environment:

Environment Procedure
Remote Ops SVP Agent installed on the Storage Service Processor monitoring all Storage products (automatic dump uploads) Collecting a Dump from Remote Ops (Hi-Track) SVP Agent C6 or higher 
Standalone Remote Ops Monitor Agent installed and monitoring all Storage products (automatic dump uploads) How to Collect an Auto Dump Using Remote Ops Monitor Agent
VSP 5000 Series and VSP G1x00 and F1500 Series - Using the SVP dump tool (manual dump uploads required) Downloading Dump Files Using the Dump Tool 
VSP One Block Series Using the Dump Tool with No SVP
VSP E -series, G/F 350, 370, 700, 900 (manual dump uploads required) Using the Dump Tool with SVP or With No SVP
VSP G/F 200, 400, 600, 800 with an SVP Service Processor (manual dump uploads required) Collecting HM800 Dump Files Using the Dump Tool 


If you are asked for a Mode31 dump for deep trace analysis or performance issues please review these instructions: Mode 31 Dump FAQ


Service Personnel Information:

The RAID "Auto Dump" Facility is required for most problems that relate to Hitachi RAID subsystems.

This function is a procedure that merges the separate DUMP and FDCOPY functions into one operation, and provides a single compressed file available for transfer from the SVP. The default location of this file is:

  • C:\DKC200\TMP\hdcp.tgz

For instructions on how to perform an Auto Dump on a RAID subsystem, refer to the SVP section --> 2. Function of the SVP of the Maintenance Manual.

Note: A file called dump.tgz is NOT the correct file. Always collect file hdcp.tgz which is usually in the C:\DKC200\tmp folder.  Do not zip or archive the dump file for upload it is already compressed.  You can rename to a meaningful and descriptive title but must have "hdcp" in the name for our automated processing to work correctly.

Note: For Storage Navigator issues, click here


Attachment: 7374_20240807163225_240417200002923.pdf
Attachment: 7374_20240807163225_240417200002924.pdf

CXone Metadata

article:reference,vsp,RAID Data Collection,VSP G1000,HUS-VM,Dump,RAID,pagetype:knowledgearticle,VSP G series,VSP F series,Enterprise Data Collection

Page ID: 11848

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